Book by D.W. Gregory. Lyrics by Sarah Knapp. Music by Steven M. Alper
Twelfth Night is the inspiration for this quick-change musical comedy about a 17th Century Shakespeare troupe embarked on a disastrous tour of the Continent. Food poisoning, drowning, duels and avalanches befall the actors one by one–until only four of them remain. Minutes before the curtain rises on their next-to-final show, the ingénue elopes with the town innkeeper, leaving a company of three to pull off the most frantic play in the repertoire. Her lover, Gropio, is too heart-broken to go on. Her confidante, Tremolo, just refuses to kiss a man. Simpatica, the leading lady, recasts and revises on the fly. The show must go on. Even if you can’t recognize it.
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Estimated run time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Recommended for 7 and up
General Admission: $45
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